
Contact Us

How to Report an Absence

All absences must be reported to the office by calling 780-416-9526.  Please leave a message anytime of day.

Attendance Codes

Please use the following codes when reporting your child absent:

Parent Excused-doctor appointments, hockey tournaments, etc.
Flu like symptoms-Fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, shortness of breath
Other Illness or injuryany physical injury or illness such as headaches, vomitting, headaches etc.

Early Pick Up

If you need to pick your child early for an appointment, please arrive 5 minutes early to allow time for the child to be called out of class.  All students must check out at the office and exit through the front door.  

Contact Us


151 Crimson Drive
Sherwood Park , Alberta T8H 2R2

Phone: 780-416-9526

Fax: 780-416-9529