

Elk Island Catholic Schools (EICS) recognizes that parents are a child's first and most important teachers. At EICS, therefore, parents play an integral role in their child's education - both at home and at school. We welcome and encourage parent participation in all areas of their child's education.

Information from Alberta Education

It began as a conversation between Albertas ... about the growing needs of our students. Inspiring Education is changing the way we think, to ensure we prepare Alberta students for their future - not our past. Click here for more information.

What is an Engaged Thinker?

What is an Entrepreneurial Spirit?

What is an Ethical Citizen?

Family Wellness Worker (FWW)

Hello! Our Family Wellness Worker is Mrs. Serena Loveseth. Mrs. Loveseth helps to provide support for social and emotional wellbeing. If you ever need to chat about you, your child, or your family, please contact her by calling our school's main phone line or by emailing her at Please find below a consent form that you can print off, sign, and send to school with your child if you'd like to connect me with them. Please reach out if you have any questions! 

FWW Consent Form

Support Services

Student Learning Support Services

Our Student Learning Support team involves our Collaborative Response Coordinator, English as an Additional Language Lead, Family Wellness Lead, in collaboration with the School Leadership team, provides assistance and support in meeting the needs of all students.

Who We Are

Collaborative Response Coordinator (CRC) - Mrs. Carrie Belisle

English as an Additional Language Lead (EAL) - Ms. Brandy Smith